For Immediate Release:
May 4, 2022

Media Contacts:
Vanessa Jones-Black,
Jo Flattery,

U-Thrive Educational Services Joins Second National ‘Mental Health Action Day’ to Drive Culture of Mental Health from Awareness to Action on May 19

Setting the theme of ‘Connection,’ U-Thrive Educational Services and more than 1,400 companies and organizations will drive calls to action to address the surge of loneliness and isolation felt by millions as a result of the pandemic.

As the global conversation around mental health continues - including the White House's new unity agenda strategy to address mental health in the United States - finding effective resources and knowing how to get help remains a challenge. Convened by MTV Entertainment Group, Mental Health Action Day was created with an open-source model that has effectively united and galvanized brands, organizational leaders, and cultural leaders to seamlessly integrate the message and spirit into their existing branding and voice.

This year’s Mental Health Action Day theme, planned in partnership with TaskForce, is Connection as people of all ages continue to seek out ways to cope with loneliness stemming from the pandemic and turn to peer counseling to support their emotional wellbeing when struggling with isolation. We will encourage people to take their first steps towards mental health action — whether for themselves, for their loved ones or to advocate for systemic changes through a wide range of tools.

“U-Thrive Educational Services is proud to be a continued partner in the Second National Mental Health Action Day. It is imperative not only to raise awareness of mental health support in times of crisis, but to take proactive action to equip people with the skills and tools they need before a crisis occurs.” Sarah D'Aurizio, Higher Education Partnership Manager, U-Thrive Educational Services.

“The last two years have brought to light mental health challenges and made it easier to talk about them – but there is still so much work to do to help people take actions to address them,” said Erika Soto Lamb, Vice President of Social Impact Strategy at MTV Entertainment Group. “That’s why the second Mental Health Action Day will focus on connection by providing leaders with resources to encourage and empower people to take action and those struggling with mental health and isolation with the tools they need to improve their emotional wellbeing.”

Partners will encourage people to take their first steps towards mental health action — whether for themselves, for their loved ones or to advocate for systemic changes. Free resources and tools, such as an employer toolkit and platforms for hosting and organizing events, are available for organizations and groups to help support their audiences through a myriad of ways - from starting a meditation practice to learning how to support a friend to advocating for change.

Additional participants and more information about how each partner will activate on May 19 will be forthcoming. More on Mental Health Action Day and a current list of partners can be found at


About U-Thrive Educational Services: U-Thrive Educational Services offers proactive mental and emotional wellness programs designed to help college students manage stress, become more resilient, and thrive throughout their undergraduate experiences and beyond. Our programs are led by 35+ experts in the fields of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion from numerous institutions across the country. To learn more, visit

About Mental Health Action Day: Mental Health Action Day is an open-source movement of brands, organizations and cultural leaders to drive culture from mental health awareness to mental health action. The second Mental Health Action Day will take place on May 19, 2022 with a mission to encourage and empower people to take their first steps towards mental health action -- whether for themselves, for their loved ones or to advocate for systemic changes, because mental health is health. Learn more at